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Selden dashed in with the query: "And the Wellington Brys'? Rather clever of its kind, don't you think?"
They were just beneath the wide white facade, with its rich restraint of line, which suggested the clever corseting of a redundant figure.
"That's the next stage: the desire to imply that one has been to Europe, and has a standard. I'm sure Mrs. Bry thinks her Discount Hermes Evelyne standard. I'm sure Mrs. Bry thinks her house a copy of Fake Hermes Wallet the TRIANON; in America every marble house with gilt furniture is thought to be a copy Designer Hermes Belt chap that architect is, though--how he takes his client's measure! He has put the whole of Mrs. Bry in his Hermes Shoes wholesale use of the composite order. Now for the Trenors, you remember, he Cheap Hermes Scarf on the best precedent. The Trenor house is one of his best things--doesn't look like a banqueting-hall turned inside out. Hermes Birkin offer out. I hear Mrs. Trenor wants to build out a new ball-room, and that divergence Hermes Kelly review from Gus on that point keeps her at Bellomont. The dimensions of the Brys' ball-room must rankle: you may be sure she knows 'em as well as if she'd been there last night with a yard-measure. Who said she was in town, by the way? That Farish boy? She isn't, I know; Mrs. Stepney was right; the house is dark, you see: I suppose Gus lives in the back."
He had halted opposite the Trenors' corner, and Selden perforce stayed his steps also. The house loomed obscure and uninhabited; only an oblong gleam above the door spoke of provisional occupancy.

